After a nerve-racking game against the Dolphin Dragons last week the Lemmings were facing their sister team The Dolphin in the first of a run of home games. Yet despite the formidable reputation of the visitors, the Lemmings were unfazed as once again we had our trusty mascot Rosie complete with flashing collar, and as that great quizzer in the sky Alexander Pope has said “Hope springs eternal”.
The questions were well balanced but there was perhaps an over-emphasis on celebrity game shows and a question on how many prime ministers had served in the 20th century drew criticism as even if one could count a mental list there was insufficient time to do so.
The question master from the British Flag put in a sterling performance despite considerable opposition from the amazonian ladies’ darts teams (not pictured,) remaining unflustered despite the noise.
The Lemmings remained disciplined throwing nothing away and Wendy in particular startled us all several times by dragging something from the deepest recesses of her skull when all others hadn’t a clue!!Even so, it came as something of a surprise at the half-way stage to find that it was level pegging with 49 each – Rosie’s collar blinked!!
The General Knowledge questions were very varied ranging from mythology to advertising slogans via London statues testing a wide range of knowledge that seemed to reflect the Lemmings’ interests.
Scores for the evening were Bob 9/18 Wendy 15/9 Nick 6/15 Tomo 6/18 Conferred 9/13 Pass-overs 4/12.
Scores for the General Knowledge were 85 to 71 in the Lemmings’ favour, final score being 134 to 120. Rosie’s collar was spinning!!
It was a very pleasant game, not taken too seriously, rounded off with a fine selection of cheeses with biscuits and warm baguettes.
Thank you Brian, the Dolphin and well done the question master.
And finally we are proud to introduce the trophy for the nine-banded armadillo award although there are as yet no nominations.