Billy recruiting for his quiz team
Well, it was nice while it lasted! Three weeks and not a defeat in sight, even though the main reason was that the Wonderers had no matches, their reputation as ace-question masters going before them as they played the part of supreme referees. Nick has provided all the statistics and a profile of the Ox-fford ringer, Ashley Tray, so there they stand, naked in all their under-achievement.
Billy Prattlefaggit rang me to say how disgusted he was, and has asked me to warn the WGW that he is currently putting together a team of over-eighties to usurp their place in the league. He assures me that once he has got a fourth man and a pub that has room for five zimmer frames, they will be having a few practice matches before asking the league to kick the Wonderers out and have his as yet un-named team take their place.
“This is an exciting venture for us” said Billy “we want to show these buggers what the old ‘uns can do. We have got some sponsorship money from the drop-in centre and this has bought us new glasses, and in one case a set of teeth. There is pride at stake here, and the first team we will challenge to a practice match is the Wonderers!
We can still cut it, even though my memory's not as sharp as it used to be. Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.”
So hard times all round for the Wonderers, but at least they keep smiling. In between bouts of tearful self-pity they are currently partaking in a humorous ‘quiz’ to find as many film titles as possible punned from Welsh, Irish, Scottish and English geographical names. They can be towns, counties, regions or rivers. Here are some to be going on with. Constantly reading about failure can be very wearing and this may lighten your day. Please feel free to join in – your entries will be acknowledged in your own name in the final judging. Entries to Bob Langstaff at evenwood@talktalk.net .
Breakfast at Taffy’s
The Glasgow Menagerie
Crocodile Dundee
Callender Girls
Crieff Encounter
Reach for the Skye
A fistful of Dollar
Far From The Reading Crowd
Sleepless in Settle
Ice Cold in Alnwick
Brighton Dock
The Merchant of Ventnor
Whose Afraid of Virginia Water?
Mobberley Dick
The Rainow Children
The Wizard of Osmotherley
Basing Saddles
Gunfight at the Oakham Corral
Look back in Ongar
Gone with the Mynd
Clun for Hire
Hooray for Hollinwood
Saturday Night and Sunbury Morning
Casino Royton
Dr. Knowsley
For Your Eye Only
Macc to the Future
Sergeant York
The Magnificent Severn
Bridge on the River Wye
Ouse Life is it Anyway?
Ribble Without A Cause
Stour Wars
It’s A Wonderful Liffey
Tyne Bandits
An American Wear Wolf in London
Chin up Wonderers and remember, change is inevitable (except from vending machines)
Duncan Disorderley
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