Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Other Cup Final


Brushing aside the offer of using Wembley’s impossible-to-stand-on pitch the Macclesfield Pub Quiz League opted to use the cavernous bar of The Weaver for the Cup Final. The last gasp of the 2009/10 season, this was the final of the knock-out competition for the two teams who had been victorious throughout the season (there is also a Plate competition for teams knocked out in the first round that might be expected to go further but had the misfortune to come up against one of the strongest teams).

For the second year running, the competing teams were the Dolphin and the Ox-Fford C. All teams in all Leagues had been asked to submit questions that had been selected by Graham of the Weaver and John of The Castle for the night.

There was a healthy turn-0ut for the event with most teams being represented and the quiz started in an expectant atmosphere. Once again Rick Davies was the question master showing his light touch and humourous asides ably assisted by Alan Sherratt keeping time.

Many questions had the competing teams and audience scratching their heads but they were fair and balanced and a good selection for the last game of the season.

The eventual result was Dolphins 106 to the Ox-Fford 97 after a closely fought contest.

The quiz was followed by the trophy awards for the season and an appeal to all present to try to engage other pubs in the area that have weekly quizzes but do not participate in the league.

A great end to a magnificent season due in no small part to the secretary Mark and the committee.

After a summer of padding the streets on Tuesday nights with nothing to do the League will start the next season with the Plate final (in which the Phoenix will be taking part) and the AGM.

Well done the Dolphins, well done Mark and the committee and we look forward to meeting old friends and adversaries next season.

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