Wednesday, January 12, 2022



It is not often we play in this wonderful country pub, but with many others we have fond memories of smoky rooms (not very fond really), pickled onions and the formidable Mrs Bailey who put up a spirited resistance to Robinsons Brewery who wanted to install handpumps when she wanted to collect beer in a jug in the cellar - and of course the magnificent huge till on the counter on which a second round of the same drinks was infinitely variable in price. And let's not forget the folk music nights!!Although since her passing there has been some modernisation it still retains a lot of that old world charm.

Along with many teams the Lemmings have suffered with the Covid pandemic and their numbers were made up this week by a beer mug called Andy - Andy was a friend, a neighbour and a regular at the Waters Green Tavern who always drank from his own pewter tankard - sadly he passed away (pre Covid) and one of his tankards seems a respectful way to remember him.

Both sets of questions were good with an interesting round on chefs with flowery names (unfortunately Nick went for Blumenthal instead of Nigella!!) but at the end of the Specialist the Lemmings were trailing with 35 to the Academicals 65. Little change in the General Knowledge where the home team triumphed with 98 to 47. Final score 165 to 84.

Individual scores were Bob 12/12 Sunil 6/12 Nick 6/6 Andy and Conferred 11/12 and just 2/5 pass overs.

A very pleasant evening on a rather misty night with lots of laughter and a splendid tray of delicious sandwiches from the landlord - many thanks to the landlord, to the home team and question master from Rushton Diamonds.


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