Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Mike Bennett R.I.P.

This week saw the funeral of Mike Bennet a very popular quiz team member from the George & Dragon in Higher Hurdsfield.

The Crematorium was absolutely packed with standing room only at a service conducted by Rev Stella Coles, with a light touch that did not distract from the solemnity of the occasion. Many familiar faces from the Quiz League were seen along with friends, family and colleagues.

A long-standing friend who had shared many escapades and pints gave a fulsome tribute to Mike's life: a classical scholar, a chartered surveyor, a knowledgeable quiz player and a devoted family man. After his retirement he lightened the burden of shopping at Sainsbury's with his humourous comments on the PA system.

He will be missed by many, not least his fellow quiz team players throughout the League. We wish him well in that super league in the sky.

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