Wednesday, October 27, 2010

26th October – Cup/Plate Questions


The Phoenix had a bye for the first round of the knock-out competitions earned by setting half of the questions, expertly drawn together by Wendy – the first half of the questions were set by the Sutton Church House who clearly had some difficulties but rose to the occasion and all questions were ready by Monday night.

There were some issues raised during the game at the Waters Green Tavern where Nick was acting as question master but it must be said that several questions where the answer was challenged were in fact correct: the River Bollin flows into the Mersey not the Weaver as was generally thought, and the three towers at the Palace of Westminster are correctly identified.

However it will be seen in the questions that Q33 was omitted and there were two Q100’s – the questions have been left as presented to the question masters.

Comments on the experiences of others are welcome below.


Anonymous said...


Given that the clock Tower has been referred to as St Stephen's Tower by the popular press since Victorian times, it would have seemed reasonable that common usage wouls have allowed the more common name



Nick said...

OK - the correct answer is the Clock Tower - if St Stephens Tower was to be acceptable the question setter should have said so. And then the question of Big Ben arises!
See the comment on the next blog for real injustice!!